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Turnkey Cottage Construction
345.22 руб.
The article discusses the shift from city apartments to suburban homes due to the drawbacks of urban living, such as noise and pollution. It highlights the benefits of suburban life, including better ecology, fresh air, and the ability to enjoy nature. The construction of turnkey glued timber houses and cottage settlements is on the rise, offering residents peace, safety, and modern infrastructure. Suburban homes provide large plots for personalized landscaping and recreational facilities. Overall, suburban living is portrayed as a healthier and more comfortable alternative to city life.
advantages 2, aggression 1, air conditioner 1, air purification 1, apartment 7, apple 1, barbecue area 1, barefoot 1, bathhouse 1, berry picking 1, big city 1, birds 2, broken glass 1, bustling 1, children 2, citizens 1, city dwellers 1, city noise 2, clean air 1, comfortable 1, cottage settlements 8, criminal life 1, cries 1, design masterpieces 1, distance 1, double-glazed windows 1, dream 1, electricity 1, engineering communications 1, entertainment centers 1, entrance 1, environmentally clean areas 1, excellent ecology 1, fishing 1, flowers 2, fountain 1, fresh air 1, garden 2, glued timber houses 1, grass 2, health 1, heating 1, high-rise building 1, individuality 1, infrastructure 1, large plots 1, leaves 2, log saunas 1, megacities 1, modern communication 1, momentum 1, mushroom picking 0, music 1, neighbors 1, noisy 1, outdoors 1, outside the city 2, own homes 1, peace 1, permanent residence 1, pharmacies 1, playground 1, poisoning 1, polluted 1, pool 1, popular 1, principle 1, rain 1, recreation area 1, residents 2, river 1, roads 1, round-the-clock security 1, rustle 1, safety 1, sauna 2, security guards 1, services 1, smog 1, sports ground 1, stream 1, stuffy apartments 1, suburban house 2, suburban life 1, supermarkets 1, Turnkey сottage сonstruction 0, uninvited guests 1, unpleasant smells 1, water supply 1, work 3, year-round 0
in 21, cottage 13, city 12, settlement 9, apartment 7, can 6, suburban 6, air 5, all 5, to 5, living 4, outside 4, that 4, area 3, build 3, center 3, clean 3, for 3, house 3, modern 3
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A Comprehensive Guide: Building Your Own Bathhouse from Scratch
308.54 руб.
This article is a comprehensive guide on how to build a bathhouse in your backyard. It offers step-by-step instructions for planning, designing, and constructing your own personalized oasis. From researching and obtaining permits to choosing materials and implementing plumbing and electrical systems, this guide covers all the essential aspects of building a bathhouse.
architectural styles 1, backyard 3, bathhouse 14, budget 2, building regulations 1, cedar 1, changing room 2, construction 5, construction materials 1, design 6, facilities 4, floor plan 1, layout 1, luxurious 1, materials 6, permits 2, planning 4, private oasis 1, relaxation 3, relaxation area 1, sauna 3, steam room 3, water-resistant 1
to 24, bathhouse 14, in 10, for 9, ensure 6, material 6, area 5, consider 5, construction 5, design 5, room 5, facility 4, floor 4, insulation 4, necessary 4, planning 4, water 4, backyard 3, barrier 3, build 3
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